…..and so should you!

Hello my beautiful followers! I’ve been so busy lately I really haven’t had time to post. I’ve been in a writing and reading slump, I’ve only read about 20 books this year when by this time I would normally have read about 50. I love reading. But I didn’t always. There was a time when I would rather run laps(I would rather die then run laps just for some perspective) then read. Looking back on it, I often wonder why I hated reading. It just doesn’t make sense. I’ve always loved stories. Telling them and listening to them. I loved telling stories ton such an extent that my kindergarten teacher told my parents to write down the stories I told. So yeah, if you want to read about my husband who left me because I made bad coffee or the husband who died in a house fire along with my child Poopalatte(who actually didn’t die and was just kidnapped by the way), just let me know and you can read about all my husbands. As a child I also loved movies and TV shows, getting sucked into a story, another world with new experiences, was my favorite pass time. One would assume I would have loved reading, its one of the best ways to tell a story. But instead I hated it. That was all true till the end of 6th grade. For our summer reading we were assigned to read The Outsiders. Terrified that I would not be able to finish the book, let alone the other two books I was supposed to read, I recruited my dad (and my overly competitive side) to help me get through the reading. The plan was I would race my dad whoever finished first the book first won. A week later I had finished the book while my dad had just started the first chapter. By the end of the summer I had read 20 books. Since then I have’t stopped. The next year, 2014 I read 104, in 2015 I read 136, and last year I read about 116 books. In total I’ve read about 420 books, 80334 pages and a whole lotta words(Stats are from my Goodreads account). I know you’re thinking, ” Damn this girl must have no social life” but I assure you I am simply a fast reader and do socialize on occasion. So I’m not really sure where I was going with this post but there you go, hey at least I wrote something! That’s my reading history, very interesting stuff I know. Hopefully this summer I’ll have more time to make so meaning full posts:)



Comments on: "I’m back… but am I? Books?" (2)

  1. You are awesome!

  2. When are you going to write another post???

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