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Posts tagged ‘winter’


Winter contains many joys for me. I enjoy skiing, ice skating and many other things winter brings.  The cold I can’t say I love or even like. But snow makes winter a great season for me. Snowball fights, sledding, skiing and just trying to walk in the big piles of snow are always fun for me. As much as I love snow I would love it so much more if it were warm.  I wish it were more like this-

Winter brings many good and many bad things. Good things include all the fun stuff like going outside and playing in the snow and all the fun activities you can do when it’s cold. And a cold winter day makes hot chocolate taste SO much better. But the bad things are like IT’S TOO DARN COLD and I have to get up at 7 am to go to school. In the warmer months getting up is just annoying but getting up and out of your nice warm bed and pajamas, to walk around in the cold to get ready for a long day at school… How-bout NO. The lucky thing for me is I have a week long break coming up starting today the 14th and ending the 24th. And I will be on a curse with a couple new books and my Grandparents! So that means no cold early mornings for me, I think winter just got better!

What do you like/dislike about winter? What are you doing for your break? Comment below!

it’s almost that time of year again…

its almost winter again. i love snow and ice. snow because i love to ski and i love ice because i love ice skating!!

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